20SM57 |
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20 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 50mm tall, 20 compartments 50mm x 30mm, 25mm deep
Half width tray 255mm x 190mm
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
28mm Scale
28mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 28mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 20 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 50mm tall, 20 compartments 50mm x 30mm, 25mm deep Half width tray 255mm x 190mm
Blackstone Fortress
Blackstone FortressView SetView the Blackstone Fortress Tray guide
- 20x Traitor Guard/ Spindle Drones/ Chaos Beastman/ Ur-Ghuls
Chaos Daemons
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 20x Daemonettes/ Blue Horrors/ Bloodletters/ Furies
Slaanesh DaemonsView SetView the Slaanesh Daemons Tray guide
- Holds 20x Slaanesh Daemonettes
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 20 Space Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses) / 20 Legionaires from Betrayal at Calth (including Kurtha Sedd)/ Palatine Blades/ Dark Furies/ Mor Deythan/ Khenentai Occult Blades/ Invictarus Suzerains/ Headhunters/ Rapteors/ Medusan Immortals/ Pyroclasts/ Kakophoni/ Reavers/ Rampagers/ Ashen Circle/ Grey Slayers/ Templar Brethren/ Destroyers/ Breachers/ Despoilers/ MKIV Recon Squad/ Chaplain Consul/ Veterans (tall models with back banner take two compartments)
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 20 on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 20x Daemonettes/ Blue Horrors/ Bloodletters/ Furies
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- 20x Chaos Space Marines/ Khorne Berserkers/ Noise Marines/ Fabius Bile/ Huron Blackheart/ Lucius the Eternal/ Rubric Marines/ Plague Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 20 Dark Angels on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Dark EldarView SetView the Dark Eldar Tray guide
- 20 HQ/ Incubi (classic)/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net) / Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)
DrukhariView SetView the Drukhari Tray guide
- 20 HQ/ Incubi (classic)/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net) / Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)
Grey KnightsView SetView the Grey Knights Tray guide
- 20 Grey Knights on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
InquisitionView SetView the Inquisition Tray guide
- 20x Deathcult Assassins/ Crusaders/ Warrior Acolytes/ Preacher/ Jokaero Weaponsmith/ Inquisitor Coteaz/ Inquisitor/ Servitors
Adeptus MechanicusView SetView the Adeptus Mechanicus Tray guide
- 20x Skitarii Vanguard/ Skitarii Rangers/ Secutarii Hoplites/ Secutarii Peltasts/ Servitors
Officio AssassinorumView SetView the Officio Assassinorum Tray guide
- 20 Vindicare Assassins/ Eversor Assassins/ Callidus Assassins/ Culexus Assassins
Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus MinistorumView SetView the Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus Ministorum Tray guide
- 20x Sisters of Battle/ Dominions/ Retributors/ Repentia
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 20x Space Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 20 Space Wolves on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Chaos: Slaves to DarknessView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Slaves to Darkness Tray guide
- 20x Chaos Marauders
Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of SlaaneshView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of Slaanesh Tray guide
- 20x Daemonettes of Slaanesh/ Lord of Slaanesh
Grand Alliance Chaos: SkavensView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Skavens Tray guide
- 20x Warlock Engineers/ Archwarlock/ Skryre Acolytes/ Warlord/ Storm Vermin
Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron OverlordsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron Overlords Tray guide
- 20x Arkanaut Company
Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of KhaineView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of Khaine Tray guide
- 20x Witch Aelves/ Hag Queens/ Slaughter Queen (No Standards)
Grand Alliance Death: Legions of NagashView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Legions of Nagash Tray guide
- 20x Graveguard/ Skeleton Warriors/ Cairn Wraiths/ Wight Kings/ Wight King with Black Axe/ Tomb Banshee/ Deadwalker Zombies/ Vampire Lords
Grand Alliance Death: Flesh-Eater CourtsView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Flesh-Eater Courts Tray guide
- 20x Abhorrent Ghoul King/ Crypt Ghouls
Grand Alliance Death: NighthauntView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Nighthaunt Tray guide
- 20x Tomb Banshees
Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite GitzView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz Tray guide
- 18x Sneaky Shufflers/ Loonboss/ Gobbapalooza/ Fungoid Cave Shamans
Kill Team
KasrkinView SetView the Kasrkin Tray guide
- 20x Kasrkin Sergeant, Kasrkin Combat Medic, Kasrkin Demo-Trooper, Kasrkin Gunner with Flamer, Kasrkin Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Kasrkin Gunner with Hot-shot Volley Gun, Kasrkin Gunner with Meltagun, Kasrkin Gunner with Plasma Gun, Kasrkin Recon-Trooper, Kasrkin Sharpshooter, Kasrkin Trooper, Kasrkin Vox-Trooper
Imperial Navy BreacherView SetView the Imperial Navy Breacher Tray guide
- 20x Navis Sergeant-at-arms, Navis Armsman, Navis Axejack, Navis C.A.T Unit, Navis Endurant, Navis Gheistskull, Navis Grenadier, Navis Gunner with Navis Las-Volley, Navis Gunner with Meltagun, Navis Gunner with Plasma Gun, Navis Hatchcutter, Navis Surveyor, Navis Void-Jammer
Veteran GuardsmenView SetView the Veteran Guardsmen Tray guide
- 20x Sergeant Veteran, Trooper Veteran, Confidant Veteran, Zealot Veteran, Medic Veteran, Comms Veteran, Demolition Veteran, Bruiser Veteran, Hardened Veteran, Sniper Veteran, Spotter Veteran, Gunner Veteran with Grenade Launcher, Gunner Veteran with Meltagun, Gunner Veteran with Plasma Gun, Gunner Veteran with Flamer
PathfinderView SetView the Pathfinder Tray guide
- 20x Shas’Ui Pathfinder Operative, Shas’La Pathfinder, Blooded Pathfinder, Drone Controller Pathfinder, Assault Grenadier Pathfinder, Medical Technician Pathfinder, Transpectral Interference Pathfinder, Communications Specialist Pathfinder, Weapons Expert Pathfinder, Marksman Pathfinder
Space MarineView SetView the Space Marine Tray guide
- 20x Scout Sergeant, Scout Sniper Sergeant, Scout Warrior, Scout Sniper Warrior, Scout Heavy Gunner
Imperial GuardView SetView the Imperial Guard Tray guide
- 20x Guardsman Sergeant, Guardsman Trooper, Guardsman Comms, Guardsman Gunner with Flamer, Guardsman Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Guardsman Gunner with Meltagun, Guardsman Gunner with Plasma Gun, Guardsman Gunner with Sniper Rifle , Tempestor, Tempestus Scion Trooper, Tempestus Scion Comms, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Flamer, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Hot-Shot Volley Gun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Meltagun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Plasma Gun
Forge WorldView SetView the Forge World Tray guide
- 20x Skitarii Ranger Alpha, Skitarii Ranger Trooper, Skitarii Ranger Gunner with Arc Rifle, Skitarii Ranger Gunner with Plasma Caliver, Skitarii Ranger Gunner with Transuranic Arquebus, Skitarii Vanguard Alpha , Skitarii Vanguard Trooper, Skitarii Vanguard Gunner with Arc Rifle, Skitarii Vanguard Gunner with Plasma Caliver, Skitarii Vanguard Gunner with Transuranic Arquebus
Death GuardView SetView the Death Guard Tray guide
- 20x Poxwalker
Chaos DaemonView SetView the Chaos Daemon Tray guide
- 20x Daemonette Fighter, Daemonette Icon Bearer, Daemonette Horn Bearer, Alluress, Pink Horror Fighter, Pink Horror Icon Bearer, Pink Horror Horn Bearer, Pink Horror Iridescent, Blue Horror, Brimstone Horrors
CraftworldView SetView the Craftworld Tray guide
- 20x Guardian Defender Warrior, Guardian Defender Heavy Gunner, Guardian Defender Leader, Storm Guardian Warrior, Storm Guardian Gunner, Storm Guardian Leader, Ranger Warrior, Ranger Leader, Dire Avenger Warrior, Dire Avenger Exarch
CommorriteView SetView the Commorrite Tray guide
- 20x Kabalite Warrior, Kabalite Gunner, Kabalite Heavy Gunner, Sybarite, Wych Warrior, Wych Fighter, Hekatrix
Hunter CadreView SetView the Hunter Cadre Tray guide
- 20x Fire Warrior Shas’La, Fire Warrior Shas’Ui, Pathfinder Shas’La, Pathfinder Heavy Gunner, Pathfinder Shas’Ui
Cadre MercenaryView SetView the Cadre Mercenary Tray guide
- 20x Kroot Carnivore Warrior, Kroot Hound
Hive FleetView SetView the Hive Fleet Tray guide
- 20x Genestealer Fighter, Genestealer Leader, Hormagaunt, Termagant
Elucidian StarstriderView SetView the Elucidian Starstrider Tray guide
- 20x Elucia Vhane, Canid, Death Cult Executioner, Lectro-Maester, Rejuvenat Adept, Voidmaster, Voidsman
Gellerpox InfectedView SetView the Gellerpox Infected Tray guide
- 20x Gellerpox Mutant, Glitchlings
Hunter CladeView SetView the Hunter Clade Tray guide
- 20x Skitarii Ranger Alpha, Skitarii Vanguard Alpha, Skitarii Ranger Marksman, Skitarii Ranger Diktat, Skitarii Ranger Gunner, Skitarii Ranger Surveyor, Skitarii Vanguard Shocktrooper, Skitarii Vanguard Diktat, Skitarii Vanguard Gunner, Skitarii Vanguard Surveyor
Corsair VoidscarredView SetView the Corsair Voidscarred Tray guide
- 20x Voidscarred Felarch, Voidscarred Warrior, Voidscarred Gunner, Voidscarred Heavy Gunner, Voidscarred Starstorm Duellist, Voidscarred Kurnite Hunter, Voidscarred Shade Runner, Voidscarred Kurnathi, Voidscarred Fate Dealer, Voidscarred Way Seeker, Voidscarred Soul Weaver
BloodedView SetView the Blooded Tray guide
- 20x Traitor Chieftain, Traitor Brimstone Grenadier, Traitor Butcher, Traitor Commsman, Traitor Corpseman, Traitor Flenser, Traitor Gunner With Flamer, Traitor Gunner With Grenade Launcher, Traitor Gunner With Meltagun, Traitor Gunner With Plasma Gun, Traitor Sharpshooter, Traitor Thug, Traitor Trench Sweeper, Traitor Trooper, Traitor Enforcer
Corvus Belli
HaqqislamView SetView the Haqqislam Tray guide
- 20x Nahab/ Hacker/ Specialist/ Namurr/ Zhayedan/ Khawarij/ Odalisques/ Najjarun Engineer/ Nasmat/ Ghulam Doctor/ Hassassin Ragiks/ Lasiq/ Hakim/ Asawira/ Muyibs/ Daylami/ Ayyar/ Muyib/ Farzan/ Govads/ Tuerag/ , OR 20x Khawarij/ Bashi Bazouk/ Djanbazan/ Tariqa/ Hunzakuts/ Naffatun/ Kasym Beg on Foot/ Janissary/ Maghariba Pilot/ Muttawi'ah/ Barid/ Kaplan/ Husam/ Al-djabel/ Saladin, Liaison Officer/ Hassassin Fidays/
NomadsView SetView the Nomads Tray guide
- 20x Puppet Masters/ Puppetbot/ Zondnaut/ Perseus/ Bandit/ Securitate/ Grenzer/ Hollow Men/ Heckler/ Fast Panda/ Zoe/ Pi-Well/ Prowlers/ Morlock/ Spektr/ CrazyKoalas/ Tinbots/ Hellcats/ Riot Grrl/ Zeroes/ Gecko Pilots/ Moderators/ Reverend Healer/ Midnight Sun Analyst/ Reverend Moira/ Sin-eater/ Mobile Brigada/ Alguacil Hacker/ Intruder/ Corregidor Jaguars, OR 20x Interventors/ Iguana Operator/ Lizard Pilot/ Wildcats/ Tomcat/ Zondcat/ Vortex/ Reverend Custodiers/ Carlota Kowalsky/ Moriarty/ Pupnik/ Chimera/ Cassandra Kusanagi/ Bran Do Castro/ Moran/ Szalamandra Pilot
Combined ArmyView SetView the Combined Army Tray guide
- 20x Cadmus-Soldier/ Shasvastii Cadmus/ Speculo Killer/ Kurgats/ Bit/ KISS/ Nexus Operative/ Staldron/ Pneumarch/ Umbra Legates/ Rodok/ Zerat/ Raicho Pilot/ Fraacta/ Unidrons/ Yaogat/ Oznat/ Umbra Samaritans/ Med Tech/ Slave Drone/ Daturazi/ Suryat/ Mortat/ Tinbot/ Raktorak/ Ko Dali/ Treitak Spec-Ops/ Ikadron/ Imetron/ The Hungries/ Rasyat
AlephView SetView the Aleph Tray guide
- 20x Arjuna/ Kiranbot/ Yadu/ Dart/ Dakini Tacbot/ Deva/ Asuras/ Thorakites/ Ekdromos/ Karkata/ Danavas/ Post Human Proxy Mk.4/ Proxy Mk. 5/ Dactyl Engineer/ Yudbot/ High Functionary/ Hector/ Acmon/ Drakios/ Scylla/ Devabot Caribdis/ Devabot Kydoimos/ Teucer/ Thamyris/ AGEMA Marksman , OR 20x Machaon/ Nesaie Alke/ Atalanta/ Spotbot/ Diomedes/ Sophotect/ Netrod/ Phoenix/ Ajax the Great/ Myrmidon Hacker/ Eudoros/ Chandra/ Dasyus/ Patroclus/ Proxy Mk.1/ Proxy Mk. 2/ Proxy Mk. 3/ Myrmidon/ Asuras/ Achilles/
TT Combat
Rumbleslam Free AgentsView SetView the Rumbleslam Free Agents Tray guide
- 20x Free Agents on 25mm bases: Henchilada, Trojan, The Chief, Fable and the Thespian
Rumbleslam GomorrahView SetView the Rumbleslam Gomorrah Tray guide
- 20x Gomorrah Models on 25mm bases: Phage, Chuck, Jester, Comet, Caria, Lord of Anarchy, Gemini Twins, The Nut, Tartan, Dark Elf Brawler, Dark Elf Grappler, Entertainer, Highflyer, Female Brawler, Female Grappler, Shadowling Brawler, Shadowling Grappler.
Rumbleslam Kaiser's PalaceView SetView the Rumbleslam Kaiser's Palace Tray guide
- 20x Kaiser's Palace Models on 25mm bases: Ronnie Salvage, Triple D, Vitamar, Dragonbrawlers, Lumberjack, The Greek, Statesman, Tavern, Gertha, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, Dwarf Mechanic, Glory Seeker, Halfling Brawler, Halfing Grappler, Dwarf Brawler, Dwarf Grappler.
Rumbleslam Rolling BonesView SetView the Rumbleslam Rolling Bones Tray guide
- 20x Rolling Bones Models on 25mm bases: Gun, Gravedigger, Gobba, Fang, Waaarrior, Marowhackjob, Nobgoblins, Captain Keelhaul, Orc Brawler, Orc Grappler, Skeleton, Orc Skeleton, Goblin Brawler, Goblin Grappler, Mummy and Zombie
Rumbleslam The Feral DenView SetView the Rumbleslam The Feral Den Tray guide
- 20x The Feral Den Models on 25mm bases: Leo, Baxter, Toothpick, Experiment 2186, Brothers Berserk, Goatman Brawler, Goatman Grappler, Barbarian Brawler, Barbarian Grappler, Vermin Brawler, Vermin Grappler, Ratman Brawler and Ratman Grappler
Rumbleslam The Forest SoulView SetView the Rumbleslam The Forest Soul Tray guide
- 20x The Forest Soul Models on 25mm bases: Pythong, Lumberjacked, Green Gables, Dilomite Kid, Relentless Dosh, Botticelli, Amazonian Brawler, Amazonian Grappler, Sprite Brawler and Sprite Grappler, Saurian Brawler, Saurian Grappler, Gekko Brawler, Gekko Grappler
Warlord Games
Beyond the Gates of Antares
Beyond the Gates of Antares - AlgorynView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Algoryn Tray guide
- 20x Ess Ma Rahq/ Special Division Command/ Medic/ Hazard Troopers/ Hazard Commander/ Infiltrator/ Spotter Drones/ AI Assault Troopers/ AI Assault Commanders/ AI Troopers/ Armoured Infantry/ Heavy Support Team/ Scout Probe Drones/ Targeter Probes/ Batter Drones/ Compactor Drones/ Gune Drones/ Homer Drone/ Medi-Probe/ Shield Drones/ Synchroniser Drone
Beyond the Gates of Antares - BoromiteView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Boromite Tray guide
- 20x Matriarch on Foot/ Drones/ Rockfather/ Oversser/ Gang Leaders/ Gang Fighters/ Work Gangers/ Lavamites/ Hatchling Swarms/ Engineers/ Vorpal Charges/ Borer Drones/ Support Team/ Scout Probe Drones/ Micromite Probe Shard/ Batter Drones/ Gun Drones/ Sychroniser Drones/ Shield Drones
Beyond the Gates of Antares - ConcordView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Concord Tray guide
- 20x C3 Krasz Assault Troopers/ Leaders/ Drop Troopers/ Jai Galeyous Bodyguards/ C3 Strike Troopers/ C3D1 Light Support Drones/ C3 Support Team/ Commander Kamrana Josen/ Commander Josen, C3 XEF/ Scout Probe Drones/ Targeter Probes/ Batter Drones/ Compactor Drones/ Gune Drones/ Homer Drone/ Medi-Probe/ Shield Drones/ Synchroniser Drone/ Nano Drones/ C3 NuHu Drone Swarm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - FreebornView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Freeborn Tray guide
- 20x Domari Household Leaders/ Household Troopers/ Vardanari Guard/ Magharis Feral Fighters/ Heavy Support Team/ NuHu Renegade Meld/ Prince Batu Delhren/ Commander Baray Tsulmari/ Commanders/ Light Support Team/ Misgenic Rejects/ Togg Kin'Ru/ Mercenary Captain/ Amano Harran/ Hansa Nairoba/ Bovan Tuk/ C3 XEF/ Scout Probe Drones/ Targeter Probes/ Batter Drones/ Compactor Drones/ Gune Drones/ Homer Drone/ Medi-Probe/ Shield Drones/ Synchroniser Drone/ Nano Drones/ C3 NuHu Drone Swarm/ Askar Mercenaries
Beyond the Gates of Antares - IsorianView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Isorian Tray guide
- 20x Support Team/ Senatex Command Squad/ Phase Sniper/ Phase Troopers/ Scout Probe Drones/ Targeter Probes/ Batter Drones/ Compactor Drones/ Gune Drones/ Homer Drone/ Medi-Probe/ Shield Drones/ Synchroniser Drone/ NuHu Drone Swarm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - ViraiView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Virai Tray guide
- 20x STAA probe shard
Witchin' Hour
Witchin' HourView SetView the Witchin' Hour Tray guide
- 20x Witch Hunter/ Priest/ Apprentice/ Interrogator/ Mercenary/ Town Militia/ Townsfolk/ Supreme Witch/ Familiar/ Coven Witch/ Cultist Leader/ Cultist
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