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Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset each 55mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 55mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset 80mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
102 Troops on 25 - 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 10 troops on 25 - 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, plus 4 HQ figures/very dynamically posed figures (34 figures total). 30 compartments 32mm x 50mm, and 4 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep .
This set contains 3 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and includes a top pad.
120 troops on 25 - 32 mm bases, ideal for 12 squads of 10 troops on 25 - 32mm bases up to 40mm tall (120 figures total). 120 compartments 40mm x 32mm, 32mm deep .
This set contains 3 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and includes a top pad.
150 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 15 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 40mm tall (150 figures total). 150 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 28mm deep .
This set contains 3 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and includes a top pad.
120 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 12 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 50mm tall (120 figures total). 120 compartments 50mm x 25mm, 28mm deep .
This set contains 3 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and includes a top pad.
Single Pick&pluck tray, 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles.
Classic GW size tray set 360mm x 265mm x 120mm, including the top pad.
34 Troops on 25 - 32mm bases, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 65mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray has 30 compartments 32mm x 50mm, and 4 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep
Set includes a classic GW size pick&pluck tray 360mm x 265mm x 75mm, a troop tray 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and a top pad.
40 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 65mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 40mm x 32mm, 32mm deep
Set includes a classic GW size pick&pluck tray 360mm x 265mm x 75mm, a troop tray 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and a top pad.
50 troops on 25mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 65mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 28mm deep
Set includes a classic GW size pick&pluck tray 360mm x 265mm x 75mm, a troop tray 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and a top pad.
40 troops on 25mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 65mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 25mm, 28mm deep
Set includes a classic GW size pick&pluck tray 360mm x 265mm x 75mm, a troop tray 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and a top pad.
90 Troops on 25 - 32mm bases, ideal for 5 squads of 10 troops on 25 - 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, plus 36 HQ figures/very dynamically posed figures (90 figures total). 18 compartments 32mm x 50mm, and 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep per tray.
This set contains 3 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 38mm, and includes a top pad.
60 Troops on 25 - 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 10 troops on 25 - 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, plus 24 HQ figures/very dynamically posed figures (60 figures total). 18 compartments 32mm x 50mm, and 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep per tray.
This set contains 2 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 55mm, and includes a top pad.
48 Troops on 40 - 50mm bases, ideal for HQ figures/very dynamically posed figures (48 figures total). 24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep per tray.
This set contains 2 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm x 55mm, and includes a top pad.
58 Troops on 25 - 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 10 troops on 25 - 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, plus 28 HQ figures/very dynamically posed figures (58 figures total). 30 compartments 32mm x 50mm, and 4 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep plus 24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 75mm deep .
This set contains 2 classic GW size trays, each 360mm x 265mm, one 38mm deep, the other 75mm, and includes a top pad.
Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Tray 55mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Tray 80mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!
20 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE Case carrying capacity from the standard GW zig zag trays to 20 figures per tray on the new 32mm bases with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE plastic figure case. Replaces the standard GW zigzag trays with KR designed trays. Extra depth too for dynamically posed figures!
The unique KR tray design means that you can carry 32mm based figures and have extra depth in each figure compartment. 32mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer troop tray! The unique KR tray design means that you can replace the trays in your plastic GW case and carry your figures in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE plastic figure case. Carry 20 troops on 32mm bases, ideal for 2 squads of 10 troops on 32mm bases up to 50mm tall (20 figures total). 20 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep. This new size GW tray is 255mm x 190mm x 38mm. Carry 3 of these in a SKIRMISH case (60 troops), 5 in a BATTLE case (100 troops) or 10 in a CRUSADE case (200 troops)! KR Reference ID: GWTroop20G
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
15 compartments 50mm x 40mm, 80mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE Case carrying capacity from the standard GW zig zag trays to figures on the 40mm bases with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE plastic figure case. Replaces the standard GW zigzag trays with KR designed trays. Extra depth too for dynamically posed figures!
The unique KR tray design means that you can carry 40mm based figures up to 80mm tall ! The unique KR tray design means that you can replace the trays in your plastic GW case and carry your figures in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE plastic figure case. Carry 15 troops on 40mm bases, ideal for HQ and bulky figures up to 80mm tall (15 figures total). 15 compartments 50mm x 40mm, 80mm deep. This new size GW tray is 255mm x 190mm x 80mm. Combine these with our 20 troop tray (GWTroop20G) and vehicle trays (GWPluck3G) to maximise your carrying capacity in your GW SKIRMISH or BATTLE or CRUSADE case! KR Reference ID: GWTroop15G
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
Classic 2cm squares format pick&pluck tray, 75mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel SKIRMISH or BATTLE Case carrying capacity to carry medium size vehicles and monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE plastic figure case. 70mm depth tray to carry all your medium size models!
The classic pick&pluck design with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares is extremely versatile and suits many of the Warhammer medium size vehicles and monsters. Carry your medium size models in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer SKIRMISH or BATTLE plastic figure case. Carry medium size vehicles and monsters in this 110mm deep tray. This tray replaces the GW zig zag trays. This tray is 255mm x 190mm x 75mm. KR Reference ID: GWPluck3G.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
Classic 2cm squares format pick&pluck tray, 75mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel CRUSADE Case carrying capacity to carry medium size vehicles and monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer CRUSADE plastic figure case. 70mm depth tray to carry all your medium size models!
The classic pick&pluck design with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares is extremely versatile and suits many of the Warhammer medium size vehicles and monsters. Carry your medium size models in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer CRUSADE plastic figure case. Carry medium size vehicles and monsters in this 110mm deep tray. This tray replaces the GW zig zag trays. This tray is 380mm x 255mm x 75mm. KR Reference ID: GWPluck2G.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
Classic 2cm squares format pick&pluck tray, 110mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel CRUSADE Case carrying capacity to carry large vehicles and monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer CRUSADE plastic figure case. 110mm depth tray to fill the case with the largest models!
The classic pick&pluck design with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares is extremely versatile and suits many of largest Warhammer vehicles and monsters. Carry your largest models in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer CRUSADE plastic figure case. Carry large vehicles and monsters in this 110mm deep tray. This tray replaces the GW zig zag trays. This tray is 380mm x 255mm x 110mm. KR Reference ID: GWPluck1G.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
30 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep plus 4 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 32mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry figures with the new 32mm bases using trays designed by KR.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 32mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Carry the new figures on 32mm bases in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 34 troops on 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 10 troops on 25mm or 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, PLUS 4 HQ figures with larger poses on 40mm bases! (34 figures total). 30 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep, and 4 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 38mm. KR Reference ID: GW34D.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
40 compartments 40mm x 32mm, 32mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 32mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry figures with the new 32mm bases using trays designed by KR.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 32mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Carry the new figures on 32mm bases in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 40 troops on 32mm bases, ideal for 4 squads of 10 troops on 25mm or 32mm bases up to 40mm tall (40 figures total). 40 compartments 40mm x 32mm, 32mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 38mm. KR Reference ID: GW40D.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
40 compartments 50mm x 25mm, 28mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity from the standard 36 figures per tray to 40 figures per tray with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer classic tray.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 28mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Room for slightly bulkier poses in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 40 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 4 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 50mm tall (40 figures total). 40 compartments 50mm x 25mm, 28mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 38mm. KR Reference ID: GW40N.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 28mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity from the standard 36 figures per tray to 50 figures per tray with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer classic tray.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 28mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Room for slightly bulkier poses in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 50 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 5 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 40mm tall (40 figures total). 50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 28mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 38mm. KR Reference ID: GW50M.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
Classic 2cm squares format pick&pluck tray, 110mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to carry large vehicles and monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Full depth tray to fill the case with the largest models!
The classic pick&pluck design with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares is extremely versatile and suits many of largest Warhammer vehicles and monsters. Carry your largest models in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry carry large vehicles and monsters in this 110mm deep tray. This tray replaces the 3 standard Warhammer 36 compartment trays. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 110mm. KR Reference ID: GWPP1.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
KR trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. KR Trays are manufactured from soft high tensile foam which ensures maximum protection for your miniatures.
Classic 2cm squares format pick&pluck tray, 75mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to carry medium size vehicles and monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case, and it still leaves room for an existing troop tray in the case as well !
The classic pick&pluck design with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares is extremely versatile and suits many of medium size Warhammer vehicles and monsters. Carry your larger models in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry carry large vehicles and monsters in this 75mm deep tray. This tray replaces the 2 standard Warhammer 36 compartment trays, and so leaves room for a troop tray in the case as well. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 75mm. KR Reference ID: GWPP5.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
KR trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. KR Trays are manufactured from soft high tensile foam which ensures maximum protection for your miniatures.
18 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep plus 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 32mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry figures with the new 32mm bases using trays designed by KR.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 32mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Carry the new figures on 32mm bases in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 30 troops on 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 6 troops on 25mm or 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, PLUS 12 HQ figures with larger poses on 40mm bases! (30 figures total). 18 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 32mm deep, and 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 32mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 38mm. KR Reference ID: GW30D.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
18 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 55mm deep plus 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 32mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry figures with the new 32mm bases using trays designed by KR.
The unique KR tray design means that you have extra depth in each figure compartment. 32mm compared to the usual 25mm in a Warhammer tray! Carry the new figures on 32mm bases in complete safety!
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 30 troops on 32mm bases, ideal for 3 squads of 6 troops on 25mm or 32mm bases up to 50mm tall, PLUS 12 HQ figures with larger poses on 40mm bases! (30 figures total). 18 compartments 50mm x 32mm, 55mm deep, and 12 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 55mm. KR Reference ID: GW30H.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 50mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case.
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 24 troops on 50mm bases, ideal for 2 squads of 10 troops on 40mm or 50mm bases up to 55mm tall, PLUS 4 HQ figures (24 figures total). 24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 55mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 55mm. KR Reference ID: GW24H.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.
24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 75mm deep
Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to include the new 50mm size figure bases using this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case.
Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 24 troops on 50mm bases, ideal for 2 squads of 10 troops on 40mm or 50mm bases up to 75mm tall, PLUS 4 HQ figures (24 figures total). 24 compartments 50mm x 50mm, 75mm deep. This tray replaces a standard Warhammer 36 compartment tray. This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 75mm. KR Reference ID: GW24T.
Why choose trays from KR Cases? Our dedicated UK based design and manufacturing team produce inovative designs for gamers around the world. The Navara grey tray range is perfect to replace the GW size trays in your collection. You can carry more in any given tray size with Navara or KR than any other manufacturer thanks to our efficient tray designs. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is simple.
Navara trays and bases are glued together with adhesive specifically formulated to ensure durability. Navara trays are manufactured from grey foam to give you maximum protection for your miniatures.