
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming


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Half Width Trays (Custom)

23mm deep tray compartments

1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep

Holds: 20x Guardsman Sergeant, Guardsman Trooper, Guardsman Comms, Guardsman Gunner with Flamer, Guardsman Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Guardsman Gunner with Meltagun, Guardsman Gunner with Plasma Gun, Guardsman Gunner with Sniper Rifle , Tempestor, Tempestus Scion Trooper, Tempestus Scion Comms, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Flamer, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Hot-Shot Volley Gun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Meltagun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Plasma Gun

1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep

Holds: 20x Guardsman Sergeant, Guardsman Trooper, Guardsman Comms, Guardsman Gunner with Flamer, Guardsman Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Guardsman Gunner with Meltagun, Guardsman Gunner with Plasma Gun, Guardsman Gunner with Sniper Rifle , Tempestor, Tempestus Scion Trooper, Tempestus Scion Comms, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Flamer, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Grenade Launcher, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Hot-Shot Volley Gun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Meltagun, Tempestus Scion Gunner with Plasma Gun

Full Width Trays (Custom)

mm deep tray compartments

1/12 depth tray - mm deep

Holds: To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!

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