18F4H |
£3.99 | Add to BasketWish List SendCancelEmail to a FriendEdit in TraySelector 144F4HS Pre-Filled Case |
18 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses, 18 compartments 52mm x 32mm, 25mm deep
Half width tray 255mm x 190mm
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
_6mm Scale
_6mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the _6mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 18 cavalry on 25x50mm rectangular bases - Banners
Other Manufacturers
BattletechView SetView the Battletech Tray guide
- 18 small/ mid walkers
Hell Dorado
HelldoradoView SetView the Helldorado Tray guide
- 18 figures
Judge Dredd
Judge DreddView SetView the Judge Dredd Tray guide
- 18x Models
Fantasy Football
Bloodbowl Classic
Amazon TeamsView SetView the Amazon Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos Dwarf TeamsView SetView the Chaos Dwarf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos Pact TeamsView SetView the Chaos Pact Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos TeamsView SetView the Chaos Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Dark Elf TeamsView SetView the Dark Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Dwarf TeamsView SetView the Dwarf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Elf TeamsView SetView the Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Goblin TeamsView SetView the Goblin Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Halfling TeamsView SetView the Halfling Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
High Elf TeamsView SetView the High Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Human TeamsView SetView the Human Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Khemri TeamsView SetView the Khemri Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Lizardmen TeamsView SetView the Lizardmen Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Necromantic TeamsView SetView the Necromantic Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Norse TeamsView SetView the Norse Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Nurgle TeamsView SetView the Nurgle Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Ogre TeamsView SetView the Ogre Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Orc TeamsView SetView the Orc Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Skaven TeamsView SetView the Skaven Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Slann TeamsView SetView the Slann Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Undead TeamsView SetView the Undead Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Underworld TeamsView SetView the Underworld Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Vampire TeamsView SetView the Vampire Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Wood Elf TeamsView SetView the Wood Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
The Red Planets - Martian TeamView SetView the The Red Planets - Martian Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Rotatek Rocksliders - Brokkr TeamView SetView the Rotatek Rocksliders - Brokkr Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
The Unincorporated - Rebs TeamView SetView the The Unincorporated - Rebs Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Nemicon Oceanics - Sphyr TeamView SetView the Nemicon Oceanics - Sphyr Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Rallion Roses - Hobgoblin TeamView SetView the Rallion Roses - Hobgoblin Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Trontek 29ers - Corporation TeamView SetView the Trontek 29ers - Corporation Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Skittersneak Stealers- Veer-mvn TeamView SetView the Skittersneak Stealers- Veer-mvn Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Pelgar Mystics - Judwan TeamView SetView the Pelgar Mystics - Judwan Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Greenmoon Smackers - Marauder TeamView SetView the Greenmoon Smackers - Marauder Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Midgard Delvers - Forge Father TeamView SetView the Midgard Delvers - Forge Father Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Chromium Chargers - Robot TeamView SetView the Chromium Chargers - Robot Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Void Sirens - Female Human TeamView SetView the Void Sirens - Female Human Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Locust City Chiefs - Z'zor TeamView SetView the Locust City Chiefs - Z'zor Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Ukomo Avalanchers - Teraton TeamView SetView the Ukomo Avalanchers - Teraton Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Koeputki Kolossals - Zee TeamView SetView the Koeputki Kolossals - Zee Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Kalimarin Ancients - Nameless TeamView SetView the Kalimarin Ancients - Nameless Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Shan-Meeg Starhawks - Asterian TeamView SetView the Shan-Meeg Starhawks - Asterian Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Ro-Tek Brutes - Mechanite TeamView SetView the Ro-Tek Brutes - Mechanite Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Kovoss Kryptics - Mutant TeamView SetView the Kovoss Kryptics - Mutant Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Bremlin Nebulas - Kalyshi TeamView SetView the Bremlin Nebulas - Kalyshi Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Long Rock Lifers - Convict TeamView SetView the Long Rock Lifers - Convict Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
BarbariansView SetView the Barbarians Tray guide
- 18 players
HumansView SetView the Humans Tray guide
- 18 players
DwarvesView SetView the Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
UndeadView SetView the Undead Tray guide
- 18 players
Black Rock DwarvesView SetView the Black Rock Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
Black WidowsView SetView the Black Widows Tray guide
- 18 players
DeadlingsView SetView the Deadlings Tray guide
- 18 players
Desert DogsView SetView the Desert Dogs Tray guide
- 18 players
Divine WindView SetView the Divine Wind Tray guide
- 18 players
GnollsView SetView the Gnolls Tray guide
- 18 players
GnomesView SetView the Gnomes Tray guide
- 18 players
Middle KingdomsView SetView the Middle Kingdoms Tray guide
- 18 players
Night ElvesView SetView the Night Elves Tray guide
- 18 players
OrcsView SetView the Orcs Tray guide
- 18 players
Pharaohs of VihktoraView SetView the Pharaohs of Vihktora Tray guide
- 18 players
RatmenView SetView the Ratmen Tray guide
- 18 players
RazorbacksView SetView the Razorbacks Tray guide
- 18 players
Sarcos/CalasainView SetView the Sarcos/Calasain Tray guide
- 18 players
SamhainoView SetView the Samhaino Tray guide
- 18 players
SiringitView SetView the Siringit Tray guide
- 18 players
Thunder Hammer DwarvesView SetView the Thunder Hammer Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
Timberline ElvesView SetView the Timberline Elves Tray guide
- 18 players
ValkyriesView SetView the Valkyries Tray guide
- 18 players
GreeboView SetView the Greebo Tray guide
- 18 players
Bloodbowl Classic
Amazon TeamsView SetView the Amazon Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos Dwarf TeamsView SetView the Chaos Dwarf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos Pact TeamsView SetView the Chaos Pact Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Chaos TeamsView SetView the Chaos Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Dark Elf TeamsView SetView the Dark Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Dwarf TeamsView SetView the Dwarf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Elf TeamsView SetView the Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Goblin TeamsView SetView the Goblin Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Halfling TeamsView SetView the Halfling Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
High Elf TeamsView SetView the High Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Human TeamsView SetView the Human Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Khemri TeamsView SetView the Khemri Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Lizardmen TeamsView SetView the Lizardmen Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Necromantic TeamsView SetView the Necromantic Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Norse TeamsView SetView the Norse Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Nurgle TeamsView SetView the Nurgle Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Ogre TeamsView SetView the Ogre Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Orc TeamsView SetView the Orc Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Skaven TeamsView SetView the Skaven Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Slann TeamsView SetView the Slann Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Undead TeamsView SetView the Undead Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Underworld TeamsView SetView the Underworld Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Vampire TeamsView SetView the Vampire Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
Wood Elf TeamsView SetView the Wood Elf Teams Tray guide
- 18 players
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 18 Space Marines on 32mm Bases/ Kor'sarro Khan/ Forgefather Vulkan He'stan/ Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike/ Servitor/ Sergeant Telion/ Sergeant Chronus/ Palatine Blades/ Dark Furies/ Mor Deythan/ Khenentai Occult Blades/ Invictarus Suzerains/ Headhunters/ Rapteors/ Medusan Immortals/ Pyroclasts/ Kakophoni/ Reavers/ Rampagers/ Ashen Circle/ Grey Slayers/ Templar Brethren/ Destroyers/ Breachers/ Despoilers/ MKIV Recon Squad
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 18 Blood Angels
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- 18 Horrors/ Bloodletters/ Daemonettes, OR 18 Raptors
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 18 Dark Angels/ Azrael, Supreme Grand Master (Classic)/ Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians
Dark EldarView SetView the Dark Eldar Tray guide
- 18 HQ/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net)/ Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks/ Harlequins/ Beasts/ Archon/ Succubus/ Urien Rakarth/ Lelith Hesperax (classic)/ Haemonculus (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)
DrukhariView SetView the Drukhari Tray guide
- 18 HQ/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net)/ Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks/ Harlequins/ Beasts/ Archon/ Succubus/ Urien Rakarth/ Lelith Hesperax (classic)/ Haemonculus (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)
Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / CraftworldsView SetView the Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / Craftworlds Tray guide
- 18 HQ / Rangers / Harlequins / Fire Dragons/ Striking Scorpions/ Phoenix Lord Asurmen (Classic)/ Phoenix Lord Karandras/ Phoenix Lord Fuegan (Classic)/ Phoenix Lord Jain Zar/ Prince Yriel/ Guardians/ Dire Avengers/ Farseer/ Spiritseer/ Corsair Voidscarred/ Warp Spiders, OR 18 Aspect warriors/ Guardians/ Dire Avengers/ Farseer
HarlequinsView SetView the Harlequins Tray guide
- 18 Harlequins
InquisitionView SetView the Inquisition Tray guide
- 18x Inquisitor Greyfax/ Deathcult Assassins/ Crusaders/ Warrior Acolytes/ Preacher/ Jokaero Weaponsmith/ Inquisitor Coteaz/ Inquisitor/ Servitors/ Arco Flagellants
NecronsView SetView the Necrons Tray guide
- 18 Necron Warriors/ Flayed ones/ Pariahs/ Lords/ Immortals/ Deathmarks
Officio AssassinorumView SetView the Officio Assassinorum Tray guide
- 18 Vindicare Assassins/ Eversor Assassins/ Callidus Assassins/ Culexus Assassins
Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus MinistorumView SetView the Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus Ministorum Tray guide
- 18 Battle Sisters/ Retinue/ Sororitas Command/ Canoness Veridyan
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 18x First Born Assault/ First Born Devastator Marines (Tall or Wide pose)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 18 Space Wolves
T'au EmpireView SetView the T'au Empire Tray guide
- 18 Kroot/ Kroothound/ Vespid/ Longstrike/ XV15 Shas'ui/ Honour Guard/ Aun Shi Tau Ethereal
TyranidsView SetView the Tyranids Tray guide
- 18 Hormagaunts (classic 25mm base)/ Termagants (classic 25mm bases)/ Spore mines
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Chaos: SkavensView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Skavens Tray guide
- 18x Warlock Engineers/ Archwarlock/ Skryre Acolytes/ Warlord/ Storm Vermin
Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of KhaineView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of Khaine Tray guide
- 18x Sisters of Slaughter/ Witch Aelves/ Hag Queens (No Standards)
Grand Alliance Order: Cities of SigmarView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Cities of Sigmar Tray guide
- 18x Tenebrael Shard
Grand Alliance Death: Legions of NagashView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Legions of Nagash Tray guide
- 18x Graveguard/ Skeleton Warriors/ Cairn Wraiths/ Wight Kings/ Wight King with Black Axe/ Tomb Banshee/ Vampire Lords
Grand Alliance Death: Flesh-Eater CourtsView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Flesh-Eater Courts Tray guide
- 18x Abhorrent Ghoul King/ Crypt Ghouls
Grand Alliance Death: NighthauntView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Nighthaunt Tray guide
- 18x Tomb Banshees
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
BeastmenView SetView the Beastmen Tray guide
- 18 Harpies
Daemons of ChaosView SetView the Daemons of Chaos Tray guide
- 18 Horrors/ Bloodletters/ Daemonetes/ Furies
Dark ElvesView SetView the Dark Elves Tray guide
- 18 Harpies
Legions of ChaosView SetView the Legions of Chaos Tray guide
- 18 Horrors/ Bloodletters/ Daemonetes/ Furies/ Harpies
Wood ElvesView SetView the Wood Elves Tray guide
- 18 Dryads/ Wardancers
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
Variags of KhandView SetView the Variags of Khand Tray guide
- 18x Khandish Warriors/ Khandish Chieftains/ Khandish Kings
Warhammer Specialist Games
Warhammer Space HulkView SetView the Warhammer Space Hulk Tray guide
- Small models
Epic ArmageddonView SetView the Epic Armageddon Tray guide
- 18 Super Heavy/ Large Vehicles
Kill Team
TroupeView SetView the Troupe Tray guide
- 18x Player Leader, Player Warrior, Player Gunner
Void-Dancer TroupeView SetView the Void-Dancer Troupe Tray guide
- 18x Lead Player, Death Jester, Player, Shadowseer
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry
Warcry - Legions of NagashView SetView the Warcry - Legions of Nagash Tray guide
- 1x Necromancer, 5x Grave Guards, 10x Skeletons
The Red Planets - Martian TeamView SetView the The Red Planets - Martian Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Rotatek Rocksliders - Brokkr TeamView SetView the Rotatek Rocksliders - Brokkr Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
The Unincorporated - Rebs TeamView SetView the The Unincorporated - Rebs Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Nemicon Oceanics - Sphyr TeamView SetView the Nemicon Oceanics - Sphyr Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Rallion Roses - Hobgoblin TeamView SetView the Rallion Roses - Hobgoblin Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Trontek 29ers - Corporation TeamView SetView the Trontek 29ers - Corporation Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Skittersneak Stealers- Veer-mvn TeamView SetView the Skittersneak Stealers- Veer-mvn Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Pelgar Mystics - Judwan TeamView SetView the Pelgar Mystics - Judwan Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Greenmoon Smackers - Marauder TeamView SetView the Greenmoon Smackers - Marauder Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Midgard Delvers - Forge Father TeamView SetView the Midgard Delvers - Forge Father Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Chromium Chargers - Robot TeamView SetView the Chromium Chargers - Robot Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Void Sirens - Female Human TeamView SetView the Void Sirens - Female Human Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Locust City Chiefs - Z'zor TeamView SetView the Locust City Chiefs - Z'zor Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Ukomo Avalanchers - Teraton TeamView SetView the Ukomo Avalanchers - Teraton Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Koeputki Kolossals - Zee TeamView SetView the Koeputki Kolossals - Zee Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Kalimarin Ancients - Nameless TeamView SetView the Kalimarin Ancients - Nameless Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Shan-Meeg Starhawks - Asterian TeamView SetView the Shan-Meeg Starhawks - Asterian Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Ro-Tek Brutes - Mechanite TeamView SetView the Ro-Tek Brutes - Mechanite Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Kovoss Kryptics - Mutant TeamView SetView the Kovoss Kryptics - Mutant Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Bremlin Nebulas - Kalyshi TeamView SetView the Bremlin Nebulas - Kalyshi Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Long Rock Lifers - Convict TeamView SetView the Long Rock Lifers - Convict Team Tray guide
- 18 players/ MVPs/ Cheerleaders/ Coaches
Kings of War
Mantic ElvesView SetView the Mantic Elves Tray guide
- 18 troops
BarbariansView SetView the Barbarians Tray guide
- 18 players
HumansView SetView the Humans Tray guide
- 18 players
DwarvesView SetView the Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
UndeadView SetView the Undead Tray guide
- 18 players
Black Rock DwarvesView SetView the Black Rock Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
Black WidowsView SetView the Black Widows Tray guide
- 18 players
DeadlingsView SetView the Deadlings Tray guide
- 18 players
Desert DogsView SetView the Desert Dogs Tray guide
- 18 players
Divine WindView SetView the Divine Wind Tray guide
- 18 players
GnollsView SetView the Gnolls Tray guide
- 18 players
GnomesView SetView the Gnomes Tray guide
- 18 players
Middle KingdomsView SetView the Middle Kingdoms Tray guide
- 18 players
Night ElvesView SetView the Night Elves Tray guide
- 18 players
OrcsView SetView the Orcs Tray guide
- 18 players
Pharaohs of VihktoraView SetView the Pharaohs of Vihktora Tray guide
- 18 players
RatmenView SetView the Ratmen Tray guide
- 18 players
RazorbacksView SetView the Razorbacks Tray guide
- 18 players
Sarcos/CalasainView SetView the Sarcos/Calasain Tray guide
- 18 players
SamhainoView SetView the Samhaino Tray guide
- 18 players
SiringitView SetView the Siringit Tray guide
- 18 players
Thunder Hammer DwarvesView SetView the Thunder Hammer Dwarves Tray guide
- 18 players
Timberline ElvesView SetView the Timberline Elves Tray guide
- 18 players
ValkyriesView SetView the Valkyries Tray guide
- 18 players
Osprey Games
FrostgraveView SetView the Frostgrave Tray guide
- 18x Dynamically posed and/ or Taller Soldiers/ Enemies (25mm bases)
Guild Ball
Alchemist's GuildView SetView the Alchemist's Guild Tray guide
- Alchemist's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Brewer's GuildView SetView the Brewer's Guild Tray guide
- Brewer's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Butcher's GuildView SetView the Butcher's Guild Tray guide
- Butcher's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Engineer's GuildView SetView the Engineer's Guild Tray guide
- Engineer's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Fisherman's GuildView SetView the Fisherman's Guild Tray guide
- Fisherman's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Mason's GuildView SetView the Mason's Guild Tray guide
- Mason's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
Mortician's GuildView SetView the Mortician's Guild Tray guide
- Mortician's Guild - 18x 30mm based players
The UnionView SetView the The Union Tray guide
- The Union - 18x 30mm based players
GreeboView SetView the Greebo Tray guide
- 18 players
Corvus Belli
InfinityView SetView the Infinity Tray guide
- 18 troops
Guild BallView SetView the Guild Ball Tray guide
- 18x 30mm based models
Wyrd Miniatures
MalifauxView SetView the Malifaux Tray guide
- 18 H1/ H2 figures
Spartan Games
Planet Fall
Planet FallView SetView the Planet Fall Tray guide
- 18x Small Vehicles/ Infantry Stand
TT Combat
Rumbleslam Free AgentsView SetView the Rumbleslam Free Agents Tray guide
- 18x Free Agents on 25mm bases: Henchilada, Trojan, The Chief, Fable and the Thespian
Rumbleslam GomorrahView SetView the Rumbleslam Gomorrah Tray guide
- 18x Gomorrah Models on 25mm bases: Phage, Chuck, Jester, Comet, Caria, Lord of Anarchy, Gemini Twins, The Nut, Tartan, Dark Elf Brawler, Dark Elf Grappler, Entertainer, Highflyer, Female Brawler, Female Grappler, Shadowling Brawler, Shadowling Grappler.
Rumbleslam Kaiser's PalaceView SetView the Rumbleslam Kaiser's Palace Tray guide
- 18x Kaiser's Palace Models on 25mm bases: Ronnie Salvage, Triple D, Vitamar, Dragonbrawlers, Lumberjack, The Greek, Statesman, Tavern, Gertha, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, Dwarf Mechanic, Glory Seeker, Halfling Brawler, Halfing Grappler, Dwarf Brawler, Dwarf Grappler.
Rumbleslam Rolling BonesView SetView the Rumbleslam Rolling Bones Tray guide
- 18x Rolling Bones Models on 25mm bases: Gun, Gravedigger, Gobba, Fang, Waaarrior, Marowhackjob, Nobgoblins, Captain Keelhaul, Orc Brawler, Orc Grappler, Skeleton, Orc Skeleton, Goblin Brawler, Goblin Grappler, Mummy and Zombie
Rumbleslam The Feral DenView SetView the Rumbleslam The Feral Den Tray guide
- 18x The Feral Den Models on 25mm bases: Leo, Baxter, Toothpick, Experiment 2186, Brothers Berserk, Goatman Brawler, Goatman Grappler, Barbarian Brawler, Barbarian Grappler, Vermin Brawler, Vermin Grappler, Ratman Brawler and Ratman Grappler
Rumbleslam The Forest SoulView SetView the Rumbleslam The Forest Soul Tray guide
- 18x The Forest Soul Models on 25mm bases: Pythong, Lumberjacked, Green Gables, Dilomite Kid, Relentless Dosh, Botticelli, Amazonian Brawler, Amazonian Grappler, Sprite Brawler and Sprite Grappler, Saurian Brawler, Saurian Grappler, Gekko Brawler, Gekko Grappler
Flames of War
GermanyView SetView the Germany Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
ItalyView SetView the Italy Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
UKView SetView the UK Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
USSRView SetView the USSR Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
USAView SetView the USA Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
Other CountriesView SetView the Other Countries Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
FinlandView SetView the Finland Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
FranceView SetView the France Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
GreeceView SetView the Greece Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
HungaryView SetView the Hungary Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
JapanView SetView the Japan Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
PolandView SetView the Poland Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
RomaniaView SetView the Romania Tray guide
- 18x Standard Infantry bases or 9x Artillery bases (mix & match)
Dragon's Forge
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons MiniaturesView SetView the Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Tray guide
- 18 compartments 52mm x 32mm, 23mm deep. Half width tray 255mm x 190mm, ideal for troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons MiniaturesView SetView the Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Tray guide
- 18 compartments 52mm x 32mm, 23mm deep. Half width tray 255mm x 190mm, ideal for troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses
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