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15x 40mm based models up to 55mm tall
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
Adeptus Titanicus
Traitor Titan LegionsView SetView the Traitor Titan Legions Tray guide
- 15x Questoris Knights
Loyalist Titan LegionsView SetView the Loyalist Titan Legions Tray guide
- 15x Questoris Knights
Chaos Daemons
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 15x The Changeling/ Pink Horrors/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne/ The Masque of Slaanesh/ Nurglings/ Spoilpox Scrivener
Nurgle DaemonsView SetView the Nurgle Daemons Tray guide
- 15x Spoilpox Scrivener/ Sloppity Bilepiper
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 15x Terminators (dynamic poses) / 15x Terminators from Betrayal at Calth / Steloc Aethon/ Gorgon Terminators/ Sehkmet Terminator Cabal/ Firedrakes/ Grave Wardens/ Phoenix Terminators/ Red Butchers/ Justaerin/ Deathshroud/ Gal Vorbak/ Tyrant Siege Terminators/ Varagyr Terminators/ Lernaean Terminators/ Terminator Praetor/ Cataphractii Praetor/ Ashen Circle/ Zardu Layak/ Blade Slaves/ Dominion Zephon (tall models with raised swords etc take two compartments)
MechanicumView SetView the Mechanicum Tray guide
- 15x Magos Macrotek Enginseer/ Servo Automata/ Mymidon Secutors/ Thallax/ Magos Dominus
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 15 Terminators/ Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 15x The Changeling/ Pink Horrors/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne/ The Masque of Slaanesh/ Nurglings/ Spoilpox Scrivener
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Chaos Terminators/ 15x Chaos Havocs/ Dishonoured
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 15 terminators
Dark EldarView SetView the Dark Eldar Tray guide
- 15x Khymerae/ Beastmaster/ Razorwing Flock/ Sslyth/ Clawed Fiend/ Grotesques
Death GuardView SetView the Death Guard Tray guide
- 15x Terminators/ Malignant Blightcasters/ Noxious Blightbringer/ Plague Surgeon/ Foul Blightspawn/ Biologus Putrifier/ Scibbus Wretch The Tallyman/ Plague Marine Icon Bearer
DrukhariView SetView the Drukhari Tray guide
- 15x Khymerae/ Beastmaster/ Razorwing Flock/ Sslyth/ Clawed Fiend/ Grotesques
DeathwatchView SetView the Deathwatch Tray guide
- 15x Terminators/ Cataphractii Terminators/ Tartaros Terminators/ Garran Branatar/ Terminator Captain/ Terminator Librarian
Grey KnightsView SetView the Grey Knights Tray guide
- 15 Terminators
Adeptus MechanicusView SetView the Adeptus Mechanicus Tray guide
- 15x Sicarian Ruststalkers/ Sicarian Infiltrators
Primaris Space MarinesView SetView the Primaris Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Primaris Aggressors/ Primaris Inceptors (No Stand, On Base)/ Primaris Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Same Compartment)/ Primaris Captain/ Primaris Librarian, or 7x Primaris Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Separate Compartments)/ Primaris Lieutenant/ Eliminators
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Aggressors/ Inceptors (No Stand, On Base)/ Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Same Compartment)/ Captain/ Librarian/ Lieutenant/ Eliminators/ Terminators (dynamic poses), or 7x Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Separate Compartments)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 15x Terminators (dynamic poses)
Leagues of VotannView SetView the Leagues of Votann Tray guide
- 15x Uthar the Destined, Einhyr Champion, Grimnyr, Kahl, Brokhyr Thunderkyn and other large models on up to 40mm bases
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of KhorneView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of Khorne Tray guide
- 15x Slaughter Priests/ Exalted Deathbringer with Spears/ Aspiring Deathbringers/ Skullgrinders/ Skull Takers/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne
Grand Alliance Chaos: Maggotkin of NurgleView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Maggotkin of Nurgle Tray guide
- 15x Spoilpox Scrivener/ Lord of Plagues/ Gutrot Spume/ Rotbringer Sorcerer/ Lord of Blights
Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of SlaaneshView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of Slaanesh Tray guide
- 15x The Masque of Slaanesh/ Herald of Slaanesh
Grand Alliance Chaos: SkavensView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Skavens Tray guide
- 15x Rat Ogres
Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast EternalsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast Eternals Tray guide
- 15x Liberators/ Judicators/ Vanguard Hunters/ Paladin Decimators/ Paladin Retributors/ Protectors/ Lord Celestant/ Knight Questor/ Knight Heraldor/ Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows/ Gryph Hounds/ Castigators/ Sequitors or 10x Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows/ Sequitors with Stormsmite Mauls
Grand Alliance Order: SeraphonView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Seraphon Tray guide
- 15x Saurus Eternity Warden
Grand Alliance Order: Idoneth DeepkinView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Idoneth Deepkin Tray guide
- 15x Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers/ Isharann Soulrender/ Isharann Soulscryer/ Isharann Tidecaster
Grand Alliance Death: Legions of NagashView SetView the Grand Alliance Death: Legions of Nagash Tray guide
- 15x Fell Bats/ Batswarms
Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite GitzView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz Tray guide
- 15x Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig/ Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazzgar Stinkmullett
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Legions of ChaosView SetView the Legions of Chaos Tray guide
- 15 Gotrot Spume/ Putrid Blightkings(banner bearer requires two compartments, side on)
Warriors of ChaosView SetView the Warriors of Chaos Tray guide
- 15 Gotrot Spume/ Putrid Blightkings(banner bearer requires two compartments, side on)
Warhammer Lord of the Rings
The HobbitView SetView the The Hobbit Tray guide
- 15x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Kingdoms of MenView SetView the Kingdoms of Men Tray guide
- 15x Cavalry (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Free PeoplesView SetView the The Free Peoples Tray guide
- 15x Cavalry (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Fallen RealmsView SetView the The Fallen Realms Tray guide
- 15x Cavalry (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
MordorView SetView the Mordor Tray guide
- 15x Cavalry (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Moria & AngmarView SetView the Moria & Angmar Tray guide
- 15x Cavalry (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
The FellowshipView SetView the The Fellowship Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse)/ Mounted Aragorn - Strider (Horse)/ Mounted Boromir of Gondor (Horse)/ Mounted Legolas Greenleaf (Horse)/ Bill the Pony (note that tall cavalry with spears, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The ShireView SetView the The Shire Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Frodo of the Nine Fingers (Pony)/ Samwise the Brave (Pony)/ Meriadoc, Captain of the Shire (Pony)/ Peregrin, Captain of the Shire (Pony)/ Gandalf the Grey (Horse)/ Bandobras Took (Horse)
The RangersView SetView the The Rangers Tray guide
- 15x Riders of the Dead/ Warriors of the Dead with Banner/ Herald of the Dead (note that tall cavalry with spears, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
NumenorView SetView the Numenor Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Captain of Numenor (Horse)/ Mounted Isildur (Horse)/ Mounted Elendil, High King of Gondor and Arnor (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Minas TirithView SetView the Minas Tirith Tray guide
- 15x Knight of Minas Tirith/ Mounted Citadel Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Aragorn, King Elessar (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the White (Shadowfax - Horse)/ Mounted Boromir, Captain of the White Tower (Horse)/ Mounted Faramir, Captain of Gondor (Horse)/ Mounted Beregond, Guard of the Citadel (Horse)/ Mounted Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Minas Tirith (Horse)/ Mounted King of Men (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The FiefdomsView SetView the The Fiefdoms Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Knight of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Forlong the Fat (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Dol Amroth (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Dead of DunharrowView SetView the The Dead of Dunharrow Tray guide
- 15x Riders of the Dead/ Warriors of the Dead with Banner/ Herald of the Dead
RohanView SetView the Rohan Tray guide
- 15x Rider of Rohan/ Mounted Rohan Royal Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Rohan Outrider (Horse)/ Son of Eorl/ Mounted Theoden, King of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Theodred, Heir of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark (Horse)/ Mounted Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark (Pony)/ Dernhelm/ Mounted Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Gamling, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Hama, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Elfhelm, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Deorwine, Chief of the King's Knights (Horse)/ Mounted Eorl the Young (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Helm Hammerhand (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
RivendellView SetView the Rivendell Tray guide
- 15x Rivendell Knight (detachable rider)/ Mounted Gil-Galad, High King of the Elves (Horse)/ Mounted Elrond, Master of Rivendell (Horse)/ Mounted Glorfindel, Lord of the West (Asfaloth - Horse)/ Mounted Arwen Undomiel (Asfaloth - Horse)/ Mounted Elladan (Horse)/ Mounted Elrohir (Horse)/ Mounted Lindir of Rivendell (Horse)/ Mounted High Elf Captain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
LothlorienView SetView the Lothlorien Tray guide
- 15x Galadhrim Knight (detachable rider)/ Mounted Galadhrim Captain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Halls of ThranduilView SetView the Halls of Thranduil Tray guide
- 15x Mirkwood Cavalry/ Mounted Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (Horse)/ Mounted Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments. Thranduil on Elk requires 3-4 compartments)
Thorin's CompanyView SetView the Thorin's Company Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Thorin Oakenshield (Pony), Mounted Kili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Fili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Balin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dwalin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bifur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bofur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bombur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Ori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Nori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Oin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Gloin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bilbo Baggins (Pony), Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Iron HillsView SetView the The Iron Hills Tray guide
- 15x Iron Hills Goat Rider/ Mounted Iron Hills Captain (War Goat)/ Mounted Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills (War Boar) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Erebor ReclaimedView SetView the Erebor Reclaimed Tray guide
- 15x Iron Hills Goat Rider/ Mounted Thorin, King Under the Mountain (War Goat)/ Mounted Kili, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Fili, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Dwalin, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills (War Boar) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Survivors of Lake-townView SetView the Survivors of Lake-town Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Bard the Bowman (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse)/ Tall Infantry models (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The White CouncilView SetView the The White Council Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Saruman the White (Horse)/ Mounted Elrond, Master of Rivendell (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse)/ Mounted Radagast the Brown (Horse)/ Mounted Glorfindel, Lord of the West (Asfaloth - Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Corsairs of UmbarView SetView the Corsairs of Umbar Tray guide
- 15x Mounted The Knight of Umbar (Horse)/ Mounted Black Numenorean Marshall (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Dark Powers of Dol GuldurView SetView the Dark Powers of Dol Guldur Tray guide
- 15x Fell Warg/ Mounted Hunter Orc (Fell Warg)/ Mounted Hunter Orc Captain (Fell Warg) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Dark Denizens of MirkwoodView SetView the Dark Denizens of Mirkwood Tray guide
- 15x Fell Wargs
Kill Team
Space MarineView SetView the Space Marine Tray guide
- 15x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant, Heavy Intercessor Warrior, Heavy Intercessor Heavy Gunner
Forge WorldView SetView the Forge World Tray guide
- 15x Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps, Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps, Sicarian Ruststalker Trooper, Sicarian Infiltrator Trooper
Talons of the EmperorView SetView the Talons of the Emperor Tray guide
- 15x Custodian Guard Warrior, Custodian Guard Leader
CraftworldView SetView the Craftworld Tray guide
- 15x Guardian Defender Heavy Weapon Platform
Cadre MercenaryView SetView the Cadre Mercenary Tray guide
- 15x Krootox
Hive FleetView SetView the Hive Fleet Tray guide
- 15x Tyranid Warrior Fighter, Tyranid Warrior Heavy Gunner, Tyranid Warrior Leader
Gellerpox InfectedView SetView the Gellerpox Infected Tray guide
- 15x Vulgrar Thrice-Cursed, Bloatspawn, Fleshscreamer, Lumberghast
Hunter CladeView SetView the Hunter Clade Tray guide
- 15x Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps, Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps, Sicarian Ruststalker Assassin, Sicarian Infiltrator Tracker
BloodedView SetView the Blooded Tray guide
- 15x Traitor Ogryn
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry
Warcry - Iron GolemsView SetView the Warcry - Iron Golems Tray guide
- 15xOgor Breachers
Legions Imperialis
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 15x Questoris Knights for Legions Imperialis
Solar AuxiliaView SetView the Solar Auxilia Tray guide
- 15x Questoris Knights for Legions Imperialis
Board Games
Alien vs Predator
Aliens View SetView the Aliens Tray guide
- 15x Alien Royal Guard/ Alien Predalien
PredatorsView SetView the Predators Tray guide
- 15x Predator
Colonial MarineView SetView the Colonial Marine Tray guide
- 15x USCM Marine Powerloader
Alien vs Predator
Aliens View SetView the Aliens Tray guide
- 15x Alien Royal Guard/ Alien Predalien
PredatorsView SetView the Predators Tray guide
- 15x Predator
Colonial MarineView SetView the Colonial Marine Tray guide
- 15x USCM Marine Powerloader
Osprey Games
FrostgraveView SetView the Frostgrave Tray guide
- 15x Medium sized Enemies (Medium Construct/ Stone Contruct/ White Gorilla/ Ghoul King/ Bear) (40mm bases)
Guild Ball
Alchemist's GuildView SetView the Alchemist's Guild Tray guide
- Alchemist's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Brewer's GuildView SetView the Brewer's Guild Tray guide
- Brewer's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Butcher's GuildView SetView the Butcher's Guild Tray guide
- Butcher's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Engineer's GuildView SetView the Engineer's Guild Tray guide
- Engineer's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Fisherman's GuildView SetView the Fisherman's Guild Tray guide
- Fisherman's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Mason's GuildView SetView the Mason's Guild Tray guide
- Mason's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
Mortician's GuildView SetView the Mortician's Guild Tray guide
- Mortician's Guild - 15x 40mm based players
The UnionView SetView the The Union Tray guide
- The Union - 15x 40mm based players
Corvus Belli
HaqqislamView SetView the Haqqislam Tray guide
- 15x Tarik Mansuri/ Shihab Remote/ Shaytaniyah Remote
NomadsView SetView the Nomads Tray guide
- 15x Kriza Borac/ Reaktion Zond/ Vertigo Zond/ Meteor Zond
AlephView SetView the Aleph Tray guide
- 15x Samekh Rebot/ Probot/ Zayin Rebot/
Knight Models
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
HogwartsView SetView the Hogwarts Tray guide
- 15x Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore
Death EatersView SetView the Death Eaters Tray guide
- 15x Dementors
DreadBall XtremeView SetView the DreadBall Xtreme Tray guide
- 15x Large player models
Witchin' Hour
Witchin' HourView SetView the Witchin' Hour Tray guide
- 15x Giant Spiders
Privateer Press
Riot Quest
Riot QuestView SetView the Riot Quest Tray guide
- 15x Widget/ Captain Crawtooth
Warmachine and Hordes
GrymkinView SetView the Grymkin Tray guide
- 15x Gremlin Swarm/ Phantasms on 40mm bases/ Piggybacks/ Rattler/ Gorehound/
KhadorView SetView the Khador Tray guide
- 15x Man-O-War Bombardier Officer/ Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed/ Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff/ Kommandant Atanas Arconovich/ Standard/ Man-O-War Demoltion Corps/ Man-O-War Shocktrooper/ Man-O-War Bombardiers
Warlord Games
Beyond the Gates of Antares
Beyond the Gates of AntaresView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares Tray guide
- 6x Battlesuits, 4x Weapon Drones
Beyond the Gates of Antares - AlgorynView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Algoryn Tray guide
- 15x General Tar Es Janar/ Mag Light Support/ Plasma Light Support/ Plasma Cannon/ Mag Cannon/ Compression Cannon/ Mag Heavy Support
Beyond the Gates of Antares - BoromiteView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Boromite Tray guide
- 15x Work Gangers with Heavy Tractor Mauls/ Rock Brood/ Rover Drone Surveyor/ X-Launcher/ Mag Light Support/ Plasma Light Support/ Plasma Cannon/ Mag Cannon/ Compression Cannon/ Mag Heavy Supportor 10x Workshop Drone
Beyond the Gates of Antares - ConcordView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Concord Tray guide
- 15x Jai Galeyous/ NuHu Mandarin
Atomic Mass Games
Star Wars Shatterpoint
All Strike TeamsView SetView the All Strike Teams Tray guide
- 15x Clan Kryze Mandalorians (short pose), Mandalorian Super Commandos (short pose), 104th Wolfpack Troopers, 212th Clone Troopers, 501st Clone Troopers, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More, ARF Clone Troopers, Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin, Barriss Offee, Jedi Padawan, Bounty Hunters, Boushh (Leia Organa), Cad Bane, Notorious Hunter, C-3P0 and R2-D2, CC-2224 Clone Commander Cody, CC-7567 Captain Rex, Chief Chirpa, Crosshair, CT-411 Commander Ponds, Dark Troopers, Death Trooper Escort, Echo and Tech, Greef Karga, General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Gwarm, Hondo, Honest Businessman, Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Jedi Master Mace Windu, Jedi Master Plo Koon, Lando and R2-D2, Leia Organa, Freedom Fighter, Logray, Bright Tree Shaman, Naboo Royal Handmaidens, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Paploo, Curious Creature, Queen Padme Amidala, Republic Clone Commandos, Sabe, Royal Bodyguard, Stormtroopers, Stormtrooper Sergeant, Weequay Pirates, Wicket, Intrepid Warrior, Han Solo, Rebel Commandos, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, C1-10P, Iden Versio, Gideon Hask, Inferno Squad, Ezra Bridger, Del Meeko, Imperial Special Forces, Grand Admiral Thrawn, ISB Agents, Chopper, The Armourer, Paz Vizsla, Covert Mandalorians, CT-9904, ES-04, Elite Squad Troopers, Boba Fett, Dengar, the Demolisher, IG-88B, Bossk, General Veers, Snowtrooper Lieutenant, Snowtroopers, Luke Skywalker, Daring Hero, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Galactic Entrepeneur, Lobot, Wing Guard, Padawan Learners, Nahdar Vebb, Clone Commander Fil, Fil's Clones, Director Orson Krennic, Death Troopers, Shoretroopers, Cassian Andor, Rebel Pathfinders, Boss, Fixer, Sev, Scorch, Jyn Erso, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, Bodhi Rook
Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Shatterpoint
All Strike TeamsView SetView the All Strike Teams Tray guide
- 15x Clan Kryze Mandalorians (short pose), Mandalorian Super Commandos (short pose), 104th Wolfpack Troopers, 212th Clone Troopers, 501st Clone Troopers, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More, ARF Clone Troopers, Asajj Ventress, Sith Assassin, Barriss Offee, Jedi Padawan, Bounty Hunters, Boushh (Leia Organa), Cad Bane, Notorious Hunter, C-3P0 and R2-D2, CC-2224 Clone Commander Cody, CC-7567 Captain Rex, Chief Chirpa, Crosshair, CT-411 Commander Ponds, Dark Troopers, Death Trooper Escort, Echo and Tech, Greef Karga, General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Gwarm, Hondo, Honest Businessman, Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Jedi Master Mace Windu, Jedi Master Plo Koon, Lando and R2-D2, Leia Organa, Freedom Fighter, Logray, Bright Tree Shaman, Naboo Royal Handmaidens, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Paploo, Curious Creature, Queen Padme Amidala, Republic Clone Commandos, Sabe, Royal Bodyguard, Stormtroopers, Stormtrooper Sergeant, Weequay Pirates, Wicket, Intrepid Warrior, Han Solo, Rebel Commandos, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, C1-10P, Iden Versio, Gideon Hask, Inferno Squad, Ezra Bridger, Del Meeko, Imperial Special Forces, Grand Admiral Thrawn, ISB Agents, Chopper, The Armourer, Paz Vizsla, Covert Mandalorians, CT-9904, ES-04, Elite Squad Troopers, Boba Fett, Dengar, the Demolisher, IG-88B, Bossk, General Veers, Snowtrooper Lieutenant, Snowtroopers, Luke Skywalker, Daring Hero, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Galactic Entrepeneur, Lobot, Wing Guard, Padawan Learners, Nahdar Vebb, Clone Commander Fil, Fil's Clones, Director Orson Krennic, Death Troopers, Shoretroopers, Cassian Andor, Rebel Pathfinders, Boss, Fixer, Sev, Scorch, Jyn Erso, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, Bodhi Rook
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