
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming


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£5.19 Add to BasketWish ListEdit in TraySelector
144F4S Pre-Filled Case

36 HQ/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net)/ Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks/ Harlequins/ Beasts/ Archon/ Succubus/ Urien Rakarth/ Lelith Hesperax (classic)/ Haemonculus (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)

36 compartments (1/4 depth, full width)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • Warhammer
    • Warhammer 40,000
      • DrukhariView SetView the Drukhari Tray guide
        • 36 HQ/ Mandrakes/ Kabalite Warriors/ Wyches (without net)/ Lhamaean/ Medusae/ Ur-Ghul/ Wracks/ Harlequins/ Beasts/ Archon/ Succubus/ Urien Rakarth/ Lelith Hesperax (classic)/ Haemonculus (Tall or dynamic poses require the NVSM68)

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