Pre-selected Sets (Custom)
108 troops on 25-35mm bases. 108 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm. Half size trays for added flexibility holds:
108 troops on 25-35mm bases. 108 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm. Half size trays for added flexibility
120 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 120 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm. Half size trays for added flexibility holds:
120 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 120 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm. Half size trays for added flexibility
0.5 NRU
54 troops on 25-35mm bases. 54 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm holds:
54 troops on 25-35mm bases. 54 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm
0.5 NRU
60 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm holds:
60 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm
100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep . holds:
100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep .
0.5 NRU
Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. holds:
Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles.
0.5 NRU
18 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep holds:
18 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep
0.5 NRU
20 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
20 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep
80 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
80 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep
54 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep holds:
54 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep
60 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
60 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep
Half Width Trays (Custom)
32mm deep tray compartments
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 18x Major Harrison Gibbs/ Caine's Hellslingers/ Rinny Gobber Speculator/ Lieutenant Gastone Crosse/ Press Gangers/ Eilish the Occultist/ Steelhead Arcanist/ Steelhead Gunner/ Steelhead Cannon Crew/ Steelhead Mortar Crew/ Steelhead Vollygun Crew/ Steelhead Halberdiers/ Steelhead Riflemen/ Order of Illumination Vigilants/ Alexia, the Undying/ Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 18x Jonne/ Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator/ Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist/ Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord/ Ashlynn d'Elyse/ Thrall Warrior/ Magnus the Warlord/ Kell Bailoch/ Captain Phinneus Shae/ Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster/ First Mate Hawk/ Doc Killingsworth/ Lord Rockbottom/ Sea Dog Rifleman/ Captain Bartolo Montador/ Master Gunner Dougal Macnaile/
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 18x Dirty Meg/ Bloody Bradigan/ Lady Aiyana/ Master Holt/ Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew/ Anastasis di Bray/ Eiryss, Angel of Retribution/ Thor Steinhammer/ Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor/ Magnus the Traitor/ Gorten Grundback/ Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan/ Drake MacBain/ Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 18x Harlan Versh, Illuminated One/ Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer/ Hammerfall High Shield Officer/ Horgenhold Artillery Corps/ Dannon Blythe/ Captain Damiano/ Ragman/ Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker/ General Ossrum/ Alexia Ciannor, The Risen/ Thrall Warrior/ Sea Dog Crew/ Horgenhold Forge Guard/ Tactical Arcanist Corps/ The Devil's Shadow Mutineers
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 18x Cylena Raefyll/ Nyss Hunters/ Fiona The Black/ Gastone Cross/ Cephalyx Dominator/ Cephalyx Agitator/ Cephalyx Mind Bender/ Drudges/ Croe's Cutthroats/ Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye/ Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps/ Captain Sam MacHorne/ The Devil Dogs/ Swamp Gobber River Raiders/ Savio Montero Acosta/ Cephalyx Overlords/ Kayazy Assassin Underboss
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 20x Major Harrison Gibbs/ Caine's Hellslingers/ Rinny Gobber Speculator/ Lieutenant Gastone Crosse/ Press Gangers/ Eilish the Occultist/ Steelhead Arcanist/ Steelhead Gunner/ Steelhead Cannon Crew/ Steelhead Mortar Crew/ Steelhead Vollygun Crew/ Steelhead Halberdiers/ Steelhead Riflemen/ Order of Illumination Vigilants/ Alexia, the Undying/ Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 20x Jonne/ Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator/ Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist/ Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord/ Ashlynn d'Elyse/ Thrall Warrior/ Magnus the Warlord/ Kell Bailoch/ Captain Phinneus Shae/ Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster/ First Mate Hawk/ Doc Killingsworth/ Lord Rockbottom/ Sea Dog Rifleman/ Captain Bartolo Montador/ Master Gunner Dougal Macnaile/
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 20x Dirty Meg/ Bloody Bradigan/ Lady Aiyana/ Master Holt/ Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew/ Anastasis di Bray/ Eiryss, Angel of Retribution/ Thor Steinhammer/ Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor/ Magnus the Traitor/ Gorten Grundback/ Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan/ Drake MacBain/ Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 20x Harlan Versh, Illuminated One/ Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer/ Hammerfall High Shield Officer/ Horgenhold Artillery Corps/ Dannon Blythe/ Captain Damiano/ Ragman/ Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker/ General Ossrum/ Alexia Ciannor, The Risen/ Thrall Warrior/ Sea Dog Crew/ Horgenhold Forge Guard/ Tactical Arcanist Corps/ The Devil's Shadow Mutineers
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 20x Greygore Boomhowler & Co/ Cylena Raefyll/ Nyss Hunters/ Fiona The Black/ Gastone Cross/ Cephalyx Dominator/ Cephalyx Agitator/ Cephalyx Mind Bender/ Drudges/ Croe's Cutthroats/ Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye/ Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps/ Captain Sam MacHorne/ The Devil Dogs/ Swamp Gobber River Raiders/ Savio Montero Acosta/ Cephalyx Overlords/ Kayazy Assassin Underboss
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 10x Vanguard Warjack/ Herne/ Talon Warjack/ Renegade/ Grundback Gunner/ Ogrun Bokur/ Grundback Blaster/ Buccaneer/ Bosun Grogspar/ Bull/ Ogrun Assault Corps/ Greygore Boomhowler & Co/ Exulon Thexus/ Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 12x Steelhead Cannon/ Steelhead Mortar/ Steelhead Volley/ Ghordson Driller/ Wroughthammer Rockram/ Mariner/ Sea Dog Deck Gun/ Freebooter or 8x Commodore Cannon
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 4x Primal Archon/ Menite Archon/ Morrowan Archon/ Thamarite Archon/ Void Archon
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 4x Primal Archon/ Menite Archon/ Morrowan Archon/ Thamarite Archon/ Void Archon
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 10x Vanguard Warjack/ Herne/ Talon Warjack/ Renegade/ Grundback Gunner/ Ogrun Bokur/ Grundback Blaster/ Buccaneer/ Bosun Grogspar/ Bull/ Ogrun Assault Corps/ Greygore Boomhowler & Co/ Exulon Thexus/ Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 12x Steelhead Cannon/ Steelhead Mortar/ Steelhead Volley/ Ghordson Driller/ Wroughthammer Rockram/ Mariner/ Sea Dog Deck Gun/ Freebooter
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 8x Steelhead Cannon/ Steelhead Mortar/ Steelhead Volley/ Ghordson Driller/ Wroughthammer Rockram/ Mariner/ Sea Dog Deck Gun/ Freebooter/ Commodore Cannon
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 12x Steelhead Heavy Cavalry/ Subduer/ Warden/ Wrecker/ Mangler/ Ghordson Avalancher/ Ghordson Basher/ Mule/ Nomad/ Rover/ Mercenary Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire/ Rocinante
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 12x Steelhead Heavy Cavalry/ Subduer/ Warden/ Wrecker/ Mangler/ Ghordson Avalancher/ Ghordson Basher/ Mule/ Nomad/ Rover/ Mercenary Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire/ Rocinante
Full Width Trays (Custom)
mm deep tray compartments
1/12 depth tray - mm deep
Holds: To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!