
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming


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Pre-selected Sets (Custom)


108 troops on 25-35mm bases. 108 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm. Half size trays for added flexibility holds:
108 troops on 25-35mm bases. 108 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm. Half size trays for added flexibility



120 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 120 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm. Half size trays for added flexibility holds:
120 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 120 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm. Half size trays for added flexibility


0.5 NRU

54 troops on 25-35mm bases. 54 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm holds:
54 troops on 25-35mm bases. 54 compartments 35mm deep, each 52mm x 35mm


0.5 NRU

60 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm holds:
60 troops on 25-32mm bases up to 50mm tall. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 30mm



100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep . holds:
100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep .


0.5 NRU

Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. holds:
Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles.


0.5 NRU

18 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep holds:
18 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep


0.5 NRU

20 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
20 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep



80 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
80 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 80mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep



54 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep holds:
54 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 52mm x 36mm, 35mm deep



60 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep holds:
60 troops on 25-32mm bases plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 50mm x 30mm, 35mm deep


Half Width Trays (Custom)

32mm deep tray compartments

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x The Testament of Menoth/ Grand Exemplar Kreoss/ High Paladin Dartan Vilmon/ Feora, Protector of the Flame/ Reclaimer/ Daughters of the Flame/ Temple Flameguard Officer/ Paladin of the Order of the Wall/ Hierarch Severius/ High Exemplar Gravus/ Vassal of Menoth/ Visgoth Juviah Rhoven/ Honor Guard/ Hierophant/ Allegiant of the Order of the Fist/ Vice Scrutator Vindictus/ Vassal Mechanik/ Feora, Priestess of the Flame/ Exemplar Errant Officer/

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x Exemplar Errant Seneschal/ Attendant Priest/ Flameguard Cleanser Officer/ Nicia, Tear of Vengeance/ Thyra, Flame of Sorrow/ Knights Exemplar/ Choir of Menoth/ Exemplar Errants/ Deliverers/ Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith/ Holy Zealots/ Temple Flameguard/ Flameguard Cleansers/ Idrian Skirmishers/ Initiate Tristan Durant/ Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain/ Idrian Skirmisher Guide/ Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x Sovereign Tristan Durant (Tristan III)/ Deliverer Arms Master/ Exemplar Warder Elias Gade/ Champion Of the Order of the wall on Foot/ Journeyman Potentate Severius/ High Exemplar Cyrenia/ Exemplar Warder/ Initiates of the Wall/ Grand Scrutator Severius/ Paladin of the Order of the Wall/ High Exemplar Kreoss/ Monolith Bearer/ Deliverer Sunburst Crew/ Knights Exemplar Seneschal/ High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza/

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x The Testament of Menoth/ Grand Exemplar Kreoss/ High Paladin Dartan Vilmon/ Feora, Protector of the Flame/ Reclaimer/ Daughters of the Flame/ Temple Flameguard Officer/ Paladin of the Order of the Wall/ Hierarch Severius/ High Exemplar Gravus/ Vassal of Menoth/ Visgoth Juviah Rhoven/ Honor Guard/ Hierophant/ Allegiant of the Order of the Fist/ Vice Scrutator Vindictus/ Vassal Mechanik/ Feora, Priestess of the Flame/ Exemplar Errant Officer/

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x Exemplar Errant Seneschal/ Attendant Priest/ Flameguard Cleanser Officer/ Nicia, Tear of Vengeance/ Thyra, Flame of Sorrow/ Knights Exemplar/ Choir of Menoth/ Exemplar Errants/ Deliverers/ Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith/ Holy Zealots/ Temple Flameguard/ Flameguard Cleansers/ Idrian Skirmishers/ Initiate Tristan Durant/ Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain/ Idrian Skirmisher Guide/ Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x Sovereign Tristan Durant (Tristan III)/ Deliverer Arms Master/ Exemplar Warder Elias Gade/ Champion Of the Order of the wall on Foot/ Journeyman Potentate Severius/ High Exemplar Cyrenia/ Exemplar Warder/ Initiates of the Wall/ Grand Scrutator Severius/ Paladin of the Order of the Wall/ High Exemplar Kreoss/ Monolith Bearer/ Deliverer Sunburst Crew/ Knights Exemplar Seneschal/ High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza/

51mm deep tray compartments

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 10x Exemplar Cinerator Officer/ Wracks/ High Executioner Servath Reznik/ Exemplar Bastions/ Exemplar Cinerators/ Exemplar Bastion Seneschal

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 12x Deliverer Sunburst/ Covenant of Menoth/ Blessing of Vengeance/ High Exemplar Gravus on horse/ Vigilant/ The High Reclaimer/ Flame Bringers/ Exemplar Vengers

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 10x Exemplar Cinerator Officer/ Wracks/ High Executioner Servath Reznik/ Exemplar Bastions/ Exemplar Cinerators/ Exemplar Bastion Seneschal

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 12x Deliverer Sunburst/ Covenant of Menoth/ Blessing of Vengeance/ High Exemplar Gravus on horse/ Vigilant/ The High Reclaimer/ Flame Bringers/ Exemplar Vengers

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 8x Feora, The Conquering Flame (on Horseback)/ Champion of the Wall on Horseback/ 4x Harbinger of Menoth

70mm deep tray compartments

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 12x Feora, The Conquering Flame (on Horseback)/ Eye of Truth/ Dervish/ Devout/ Purifier Warjack/ Champion of the Wall on Horseback/ Hand of Silence/ Fire of Salvation/ Crusader/ Templar/ Vanquisher/ Castigator/ Reckoner/ Sanctifieror/ Scourge of Heresy/ Revenger/ Redeemer/ Repenter/ Blood of Martyrs Intercessor Kreoss, or 4x Harbinger of Menoth/

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 12x Feora, The Conquering Flame (on Horseback)/ Eye of Truth/ Dervish/ Devout/ Purifier Warjack/ Champion of the Wall on Horseback/ Hand of Silence/ Fire of Salvation/ Crusader/ Templar/ Vanquisher/ Castigator/ Reckoner/ Sanctifieror/ Scourge of Heresy/ Revenger/ Redeemer/ Repenter/ Blood of Martyrs Intercessor Kreoss

110mm deep tray compartments

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: 1x Vessel of Judgement/ Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: Vessel of Judgement Battle Engine, 3 medium based models

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages Battle Engine, 6 medium based models

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: Vessel of Judgement Battle Engine/ Judicator/ Revelator, 3 medium based models

Full Width Trays (Custom)

mm deep tray compartments

1/12 depth tray - mm deep

Holds: To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!

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