
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming


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100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep . holds:
100 troops on 25mm bases with dynamic poses up to 40mm tall, plus a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Pick&pluck tray 110mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells, troop tray compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep .


0.5 NRU

Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep with a grid of 2cm pick&pluck removable squares. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. holds:
Set of 2 Pick&pluck trays, 55mm deep, 20mm pick&pluck cells. Suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles.



Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm



Magnetic Trayset each 55mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 55mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset each 55mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 55mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm



Magnetic Trayset 80mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset 80mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm



Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm


Half Width Trays (Custom)

23mm deep tray compartments

1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep

Holds: 6x Objective Markers.

1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep

Holds: 4x Tide Pool Markers

51mm deep tray compartments

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 15x Striped Skulkers/ Egg Clutch

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 12x Armoured Whelks/ Morphlings/ Storm Siren

70mm deep tray compartments

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 6x The Frenzy

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 10x Karkinoi

110mm deep tray compartments

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: 1x Alpha Crawler Titan (Requires an additional NPP1H in a clamshell)

Full Width Trays (Custom)

mm deep tray compartments

1/12 depth tray - mm deep

Holds: To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!

32mm deep tray compartments

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

51mm deep tray compartments

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: Magnetic Tray 55mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

70mm deep tray compartments

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: Magnetic Tray 80mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

110mm deep tray compartments

1 depth tray - 110mm deep

Holds: Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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