NH-60N3HSH |
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This Navara Case Set comprises a Navara small transport bag and includes a set of trays to carry 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Cases and Trays in this Prefilled Case are:
Case: NH
Sets: 1x 60N3HSH (3x 20N3H, NVPADH)
Game Systems & Armies that use tray sets from this prefilled case are:
Tray set 60N3HSH is used by these armies:
28mm Scale
28mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 28mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
28mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 28mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
28mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 28mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Other Manufacturers
All Quiet on the Martian Front
British Empire ForcesView SetView the British Empire Forces Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
United States ForcesView SetView the United States Forces Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Martian ForcesView SetView the Martian Forces Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Hell Dorado
HelldoradoView SetView the Helldorado Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Board Games
Alien vs Predator
Aliens View SetView the Aliens Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Colonial MarineView SetView the Colonial Marine Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Black GoatView SetView the Black Goat Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Great CthulhuView SetView the Great Cthulhu Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Crawling ChaosView SetView the Crawling Chaos Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Yellow SignView SetView the Yellow Sign Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Alien vs Predator
Aliens View SetView the Aliens Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Colonial MarineView SetView the Colonial Marine Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Card Games
Black GoatView SetView the Black Goat Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Great CthulhuView SetView the Great Cthulhu Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Crawling ChaosView SetView the Crawling Chaos Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Yellow SignView SetView the Yellow Sign Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Dust Tactics
Allies ForcesView SetView the Allies Forces Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Axis ForcesView SetView the Axis Forces Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Sino-Soviet UnionView SetView the Sino-Soviet Union Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Corvus Belli
InfinityView SetView the Infinity Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
PanoceaniaView SetView the Panoceania Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Yu JingView SetView the Yu Jing Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
AriadnaView SetView the Ariadna Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
HaqqislamView SetView the Haqqislam Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
NomadsView SetView the Nomads Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Combined ArmyView SetView the Combined Army Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
AlephView SetView the Aleph Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Kings of War
Mantic OrcsView SetView the Mantic Orcs Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Mantic UndeadView SetView the Mantic Undead Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Wyrd Miniatures
MalifauxView SetView the Malifaux Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Warlord Games
Beyond the Gates of Antares
Beyond the Gates of Antares - AlgorynView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Algoryn Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - BoromiteView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Boromite Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - ConcordView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Concord Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - FreebornView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Freeborn Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - GharView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Ghar Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - IsorianView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Isorian Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - ViraiView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Virai Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Beyond the Gates of Antares - AliensView SetView the Beyond the Gates of Antares - Aliens Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Witchin' Hour
Witchin' HourView SetView the Witchin' Hour Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Warhammer 40,000
Astra MilitarumView SetView the Astra Militarum Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
NecronsView SetView the Necrons Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus MinistorumView SetView the Adepta Sororitas / Adeptus Ministorum Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
T'au EmpireView SetView the T'au Empire Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
BeastmenView SetView the Beastmen Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
BretonniaView SetView the Bretonnia Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
High ElvesView SetView the High Elves Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Legions of ChaosView SetView the Legions of Chaos Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Ogre KingdomsView SetView the Ogre Kingdoms Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
SkavenView SetView the Skaven Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Tomb KingsView SetView the Tomb Kings Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Undead legionsView SetView the Undead legions Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Vampire CountsView SetView the Vampire Counts Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Warriors of ChaosView SetView the Warriors of Chaos Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
Warhammer Lord of the Rings
Moria & AngmarView SetView the Moria & Angmar Tray guide
- 60 taller troops on 25mm bases. 60 compartments 35mm deep, each 50mm x 25mm
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